Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement

The method comes from an understanding of the body in motion, our relationship to gravity and how the nervous system creates habitual patterns. An exploration of the detail of individual movement with awareness helps patterns to unravel and brings a greater ease into how we move with less effort.

When one allows time and space for this intricate work entrenched body habits begin to loosen and there is a softening of mental habits also. Unlike many other movement forms there is no strain and doing less, not more is the order of the day…lovely.

A sort of moving mindfulness. The approach has enriched what comes into my hands within craniosacral practice.

I run occasional workshops and give individual lessons where appropriate.

Unfolding Anatomy

Following the very successful 2019 course in 2022 I am offering  a series of 5 days of anatomy through the Feldenkrais Guild for Feldenkrais practitioners this time as a collaboration with Caroline Scott .The mornings will be anatomy taught from the embryological perspective and the afternoons will see this unfold into your  practice with discussion and Caroline taking the mornings orientation into ATM .

For more information, visit The Feldenkrais Method.

No matter how closely we look, it is difficult to find a mental act that can take place without the support of some physical function.



Moshe Feldenkrais